A community connecting plants & people for a greener, healthier urban climate.
Together we can #GreenMyCity, one green space at a time!
Green Cities Foundation (GCF) is a private foundation established by the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (CNLA), connecting plants and people for a greener healthier urban climate. Through the foundation and working directly with the #GreenMyCity grant program.
This grant opportunity is available to all CiB communities.
Are you involved in community greenspace projects? (i.e pollinator gardens, community gardens, green space renovation projects)
Is this project on public space? (i.e. City parks, schools, churches or community centres)
Does your project benefit the community?
Are you looking for additional volunteer support in addition to funding?
Are you looking for a grant to match your funds to complete your project?
Are you a dedicated volunteer committed to the success and longevity of this project?
If you have answered yes to these questions, please consider applying. Once you have applied the team at the Green Cities Foundation will review your application for eligibility then set up a meeting to discuss further. What do you have to lose? This is a great opportunity to partner with a Foundation with a secure backing of volunteers dedicated to greening urban communities.