2017 CIB Ontario Dinner & Provincial Awards

Communities in Bloom Ontario is a program that inspires communities to enhance and sustain the visual appeal of neighbourhoods, public spaces, parks and streetscapes through the imaginative use of flowers, plants, trees and landscaping, through the preservation of heritage and cultural assets and with attention to environmental stewardship.

The 2017 Symposium / Awards and Golf Day

The 2017 Symposium / Awards and Golf Day

This year will be held at the Forest Golf & Country Inn on September 8th & 9th, 2017. The Lambton Shores Communities in Bloom Committee has a full schedule of events planned for the participating communities and looks forward to hosting you at this year’s Symposium. EARLY BIRD INCENTIVE! Register by JULY 31, 2017 for a chance to win a free CIB Ontario 2018 registration! REGISTER NOW!